holding pattern

Anna Bockrath, MFA 2024, Fiber and Material Studies

The works in holding pattern reference objects such as nets, vessels, ladders, and portals – practical objects that are meant to capture, contain, or bridge distances. In my transformation of these objects, they fall short of usefulness and become impractical or imaginary. They straddle function and failure. I am interested in this in-betweenness as a place of possibility. How does failure lay the ground for new potential? How does loss make space for hope?  Embracing simultaneity, these works hold space for multiple dualities – past/present, closeness/distance, presence/absence. They mark the tenuous threshold between no longer and not yet.  


Anna Bockrath

Anna Bockrath (b. 1994) is an artist and educator based in Philadelphia. She earned a BS in Art Education and a MFA in Fibers and Material Studies from the Tyler School of Art and Architecture. Her interdisciplinary studio practice combines weaving, silkscreen printing, and sculpture to explore themes such as loss, care, and time.