Central High School
Student Teacher: Carrion Lover-Lilly
Cooperating Teacher: Harry Eichelberger
Designing Solutions
Ideally this lesson will bridge the gap between learned skills and real world application. Too often in school students sit in class asking themselves “When will I ever actually use this?” However, the skills acquired in art classes can be widely applied to other fields, and creative thinking is necessary for all kinds of problem solving. This lesson will exercise creative thinking skills by prompting students to create a product that solves an inconvenience/ problem. By working in groups with positions similar to real world jobs students will get a feel for working collaboratively and taking on leadership roles. Group work is also especially pertinent during this time of isolation. Many of us are feeling a real lack of community and this will give students a chance to spend time working together even though it is virtual.
High school students have ideally been honing their creative skills for a while now. Tackling a more indirect application of creativity by inventing something will be an appropriate challenge.
Carrion Lover-Lilly
TYL ‘21, Sculpture
Art and education have always been integral aspects of my life. My own passion for learning and art making drives me to inspire others to see the beauty in creativity. Art education is about more than just materials, processes, and historic figures. It is a lens through which to see the world. It is the most honest and sentimental form of communication. Most importantly it is learning to admire each other for our differences rather than in spite of them. Art making is the perfect segue way to forming a supportive community that propels students toward their best selves!
Carrion Lover-Lilly’s visual note