Department of Transdimensional Musicology and New Religious Practices; Workers Union

L. Autumn Gnadinger, MFA 2022, Ceramics

This body of work, which centers on the fictional Department of Transdimensional Musicology and New Religious Practices; Workers’ Union, is a chance for me to take the raw material of “real” metaphysical exploration (spirituality, western tertian harmony, scientific inquiry, etc.), and reassemble these parts into a new, playful, and queered exploration of the divine. Caught somewhere between the movies Arrival and The Rocky Horror Picture Show, I synthesize alien ceramics, hacked together hardware and software, and cheeky semi-autobiographical performances to present a fully-embodied and applied system of myth-making that feels untamed, open source, and continuously unfolding.


L. Autumn Gnadinger

Instagram: @lgnadinger

L. Autumn Gnadinger (they/them/theirs) is an artist and writer based in Philadelphia, PA, originally from Louisville, KY. They are currently an MFA candidate at Tyler school of Art and Architecture and an editor for the journal, Ruckus.