Lila Mullins
The process of art-making is my meditation.

"Freshman Self", 2018, Gouache, 9" x 12"

"Flower", 2017, Acrylic, 8.5" x 12.5"

“The Pink Bathroom”, 2021, Oil, 11” x 14”

“Moody”, 2020, Linoleum print, 4” x 6.25”

“Untitled”, 2021, Oil, 8” x 10”

“Reflection of Self”, 2019, Acrylic and gouache, 7” x 11”

“Shady”, 2017, Acrylic, 9” x 12”

“Chris in Red”, 2021, Oil, 12” x 16”

“Mom’s Vase”, 2021, Oil, 8” x 10”

“Tunnel of Light”, 2019, Gouache, 6” x 7”

“Faces”, 2017, Acrylic on wood panel, 24” x 42”

“Valentine”, 2021, Oil, 11” x 14”

“Goldfish”, 2020, Double Layer Linoleum Print, 9.5” x 12”

“Grandma’s Staircase”, 2019, Gouache, 11” x 11”

“Jellyfish”, 2020, Drypoint, 4.5” x 12”

“Crimson Sun”, 2017, Acrylic, 15” x 11”
Lila Mullins
Art Therapy ‘21
My passion for art started at a very young age and has only grown during my past four years as an Art Therapy major. Painting and printmaking have become my two favorite mediums and I have included many of my works using those materials. Color is one of the most important parts of art making for me and incorporating it into my work is what I feel helps to better represent myself within my art. Looking towards graduation, I plan to continue using these mediums as well as continuing to improve upon the skills I have gained from my professors.