Maria Cristina Partsanakis

For as long as I can remember, I have always had a passion for making art. I am also an avid believer in the healing power of art. For me, art has always been a constant source of solace throughout my life, in both the process and product. Author Eileen Miller once wrote, "Art can permeate the very deepest parts of us, where no words exist." I cannot put in words all that art has done for me, but one can get a glimpse through my work. Often focusing on figure and portraiture, I enjoy making the people I love the subject because it serves as a physical representation of our lived connection. I’ve also been on a journey of self-introspection, uncovering old wounds and reclaiming them through my art. Much of my current art reflects my own journey with body image. I reclaim my body through portraying “unconventional” figures and proclaiming my body’s purpose to solely just exist as is.


Maria Cristina Partsanakis
Art Therapy ‘23

Maria is a senior studying art therapy at Tyler School of Art and Architecture at Temple University. She grew up in Media, Pennsylvania, and currently resides in Philadelphia. She naturally gravitates towards charcoal, oil paint, and clay due to their freeing, tactile nature. She seeks to share her passion for art with others by uplifting their creative processes and fostering a safe place for authentic self-expression. Maria is the current president of the Therapeutic Art Club at Temple-- an organization where students are welcome to engage in therapeutic art making together. In the future, she plans to continue pursuing an education in art therapy, in addition to teaching art.