The Final Stage of Metamorphosis

Neysa Hope Wellington, MFA 2022, Photography

A butterfly has to go through three stages of metamorphosis before they reach the final stage. This body of work offers viewers a chance to see the evolution of metamorphosis with still and moving images. I believe that each portrait is a portal of time that I created through the exploration of self. I relate the portraits to homegoings and homecoming, being able to travel to Goldsboro, NC, and Ghana, Africa for research. Through my findings I was able to understand where I stand between both locations; I hope to create more connections between the continent and diaspora. Storytelling is essential to my adventure of becoming a visual griot. Homegoings and Homecomings are based on one’s return to the land and seeing which land you resonate with the most.

Neysa Wellington

Neysa Hope Wellington

Instagram: @NeysaWellington

Neysa Wellington is a lens based artist who explores documentary photography and time-based videography. She recently graduated from Tyler School of Art and Architecture with her Master’s of Fine Arts in Photography. In the fall she will be entering the Documentary Arts and Visual Research Doctoral program in the School of Theater at Temple University.