Relief Animation
Short films by students in the Survey of Intaglio and Relief course. Created with two linocut prints and sound, these short animations explore the space and time between two linocut prints.
Jade Alderman
Charlotte Calautti
Gillian Cardona
Barbara Clay
Sara Cooper
Sean Delmore
Quinn Dowd
Julia Ferrara
Kate Garcia
Emily Girman
Alice Heimbuch
Alyssa Herman
Ashley Kelly
Madeline Kelly
Amanda Madden
Amelia Mason
Nicole McNamara
Maddie Miller
Hannah Moser
Rebekah Myers
Aubrey Poague
Alexandra Routh
Sophia Ruggio
Emily Sutton
Alainna Swift
Kayla Valenti
Arielis Vazquez
Shannon Waring
Cassianna Westerfer