Warping ↔ Beaming

Rita Scheer, MFA 2023, Painting

Flickering between the structures of painting and weaving, Rita Scheer imagines a way to contend with the commoditization of housing, through the creation of paradoxical thought-objects that can be deconstructed and reconstituted, and can be understood as tools to challenge the stability of demarcation in the home.

They are bringing a fantastic wish into existence, to mend our palpable alienation from the processes that hold components together (such as hinging, tying, threading, and felting).

They look toward the loom and the greenhouse, tools that carry and bring forth many histories of exploitation, as frameworks that have the potential to be collapsible or repurposed. Both the loom and greenhouse have structural processes that allow material to flow, and when in conversation in Scheer’s work, they offer a way to consider the house as a multitude of channels that help make themselves.


Rita Scheer

Website: ritascheer.com
Instagram: @Rita.is.drawing

Rita received their MFA in painting from Tyler in 2023, and has exhibited work at Temple Contemporary (2023), Atelier FAS (2023), Stella Elkins (2022), Abigail Ogilvy (2021), at Areacode Art Fair (2020), at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture (2019), and during the Leonard Bernstein Festival of the Creative Arts (2018 & 2019).