Sarah Montagnoli
"Heart of Hearts," Sarah Montagnoli. 2021, Copper, Brass, Powder Coat, Flock, Stainless Steel Tie Tacs, 2.5" x 2.5" x 1.5".
Montagnoli’s work is created using traditional practices of hand fabrication in conjunction with technology, like Water Jet Cutters, to create perforated metal forms.
Adding depth to her work by pillowing these forms through hydraulic pressing, she is also able to open the perforations in the metal further to create interesting portals in the objects. The voids are then filled with materials such as furs, silicones, and flocking, to add tactility and moments of comfort or pleasure to her objects. A continuing theme within her work is exploring childhood memories and memorabilia, along with concepts of pleasure and comfort through "toy" based forms.
About Sarah Montagnoli
TYL Metals/Jewelry/Cad-Cam ‘21
Sarah Montagnoli is a Jeweler, Metalsmith, and Educator who is currently based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Originally from Glassboro, New Jersey, Montagnoli moved to Philadelphia in 2014 to pursue her BFA from Moore College of Art & Design (2018). Following a short period of career exploration in the fine jewelry world, she began working towards her MFA at Tyler School of Art & Architecture receiving her Certificate of Teaching in Higher Education along with her Masters Degree in 2021. She currently teaches classes at her alma mater while also working for a foundry located in the Port Richmond area.