Head Space
Sean Whalen
My mind has been trapped in a vicious cycle of negative emotions with one state of mind triggering another in what feels life an endless loop. Trying to have peace of mind and hope slowly becomes anxiety, depression and self loathing, which eventually transforms itself into anger. The cycle constantly feeds off of itself and absolutely consumes me at times if I’m not able to break the chain. Seeking to deepen my ability to express my own emotions in a more visceral manner than simply speaking about them, I thought about what these states of mind would be if given a tangible form. What do they look like when envisioned? Are they organized yet separate sequences of thought, or flowing branches of one tree? If they made noise would they be loud or quiet? Are they harmonic symphonies or disjointed noises each fighting for control?
The human brain produces signals of varying speeds in different selective areas depending on the emotional state of the person. Studies involving FMRI scans of the brain have shown these areas through thermal technology to roughly pinpoint the areas of the brain that activate the certain stimuli. Other scientists have sought to create music from the human brain by transmitting brain waves into computer programs that react to the areas of the brain being activated by the person’s state of mind, as well as the speed and intensity of the brain signals. Others, like musical artists, create themes for films and specific character themes to induce the viewers with certain feelings toward a character or situation before they even realize. I too sought to create an experience of visuals and sounds that demonstrate how it feels to be inside my head.
“Head Space”, 2021, Digital

“Spark”, 2021, Digital

“Trying”, 2021, Digital

“Defeat”, 2021, Digital

“Rage”, 2021, Digital

“Bloodlust”, 2021, Digital

“Consumed”, 2021, Digital
Sean Whalen
IG: @studio23ig
I am a commercial artist trying his hand at fine art photography. I am very Interested in my own emotions, as well as colors and the link between the two.