Sophia Borgesi
With my work, I am always trying to remain playful. Because I value youthfulness and playfulness, I actively seek out materials that feel good in my hands, and are satisfying to use in a sensory way. I focus on romanticizing, or sometimes exaggerating, what is often perceived as “ugly” or “flawed”, and I do so in a matter-of-fact sort of way. Working in this way is allows me to practice seeing things for what they are – to practice seeing things in a way that is un-muddied by learned social implications. A set of fresh eyes would simply see a red cheek, or a big nose, or a gap in the teeth, and take note. And that is what I aim to do. I am taking note of the world around me – seeing everything for the first time, and seeing myself for the first time whenever I focus inwards.
Playground, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 24” x 24”.
week 9, 2021, watercolor and acrylic on paper, 7” x 10”.
Moon Jar, clay and acrylic, 8” x 8”.
in my room, digital drawing, 12” x 16”.
Expression and Replication, collage on paper, 7” x 10”.
I am not your dog., 2021, found objects on cardboard box, 4” x 4”.
self-portrait (dirty), 2020, acrylic on canvas 8” x 6”.
Sugar House 2, 2021, oil on canvas, 12” x 9”.
iPad, 2022, collage on cardboard, 12” x 12”.
self-portrait, 2020, woodcut print, 15” x 20”.
Untitled, 2020, digital collage, 21” x 13”.
Puppet Show, 2020, woodcut print, 18” x 18”.
beautiful things, 2022, collage on cardboard, 12” x 12”.
Sugar House, 2021, oil on canvas, 18” x 24”.
Girly, 2021, tempera on cardboard and paper, 7” x 10”.
Sophia Borgesi
Art Therapy ‘22
Sophia Borgesi is a senior Art Therapy major at Temple University. She grew up outside of Philadelphia, and ended up in Temple’s Art Therapy program after changing schools once and changing majors four times. As of March 2022, she is not sure if she is passionate about art therapy or if she just needs art therapy herself. It could be a mixture of the two. In any case, she loves working with materials that get her hands messy (but not sticky), and curating intricate (but perfect) playlists.