Temilola Asekun
Through my own determination to look at myself critically and engage with my life experiences, my artwork is created through a process of translating the powerful emotional content of my life into a visual language. Art has given me an alternate avenue of conveying my emotions; and because I have been able to understand myself through it, I’ve made it my mission to share it with others. Through various mediums and processes my approach is consistent; I always preface my work by saying that it's about painting what I feel, in order for it to be real. Most people believe that emotions can be unpredictable or unreliable but I believe that emotional responses in art are the key piece of experiencing artwork. I believe that there is so much value in being in tune with your feelings because it makes for such a profound subject matter in artwork.

“Can you feel something?” (2022) 18x24 oil on canvas

“Amina Blue” (2020) 16x20 in oil on canvas

“Burned Out” (2021) 11x14 oil on canvas

“Trois filles” (2023) 16x20 oil and acrylic on canvas

“Blu Soul” (2021) 11x14 in oil on canvas

“Two Faced” (2021) 16x20 oil on canvas

“Angels in Tibet” (2020) 11x14 oil on canvas

“The Jewel of Africa” (2020) 16x20 oil on canvas

“Sisters of the Sun” (2020) 16x20 oil on canvas

“Sundial” (2022) 16x20 oil on canvas

“My mirror, my reflection” (2023) 16x20 acrylic on canvas

“Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” (2016) 11x14 oil on canvas

“I AM......” (2020) 16x20 mixed media on canvas

“Growth Spurt” (2021) 11x14 acrylic on canvas

“Orange Blossom” (2023) 16x20 oil and acrylic on canvas

“Krowned” (2022) 16x20 oil and acrylic on canvas

“SULA” (2023) 16x20 oil and acrylic on canvas

“Queen and Sam” (2020) 16x20 oil and acrylic on canvas

“Tinuade- From the Crown of God” (2020) 16x20 oil on canvas

“I L(o)(ea)ve You” (2022) 24x84 oil on canvas
Temilola Asekun
Art Therapy ‘23
Temilola Ololade Asekun is a 21 year old senior in college, enrolled at Temple University in Philadelphia, studying art therapy. With her art therapy degree she plans to use her art to make a difference in this world, in the hope that she can help someone heal and enhance their life in a positive way. Her goals are to get her masters in art therapy, and then her PhD in humanities so that she can inform policy and to inform schools on the importance of art therapy in schools and around the world. She also hopes to open her own practice one day working with special needs children and the elderly as she feels these two specific groups of people are unique and deserve a lot more attention and care than they receive
Instagram: @canvasbytemi
Website: https://canvas-by-temi.square.site/