What a Time to Be Alive
Selected works by the 2023 MFA Graduates
The Tyler School of Art and Architecture presents What a Time to Be Alive, an exhibition of works from the 2023 MFA cohort. The featured artists explore a wide range of aesthetic and conceptual concerns, often rooted in a desire to feel oneself in time, to grasp (impossibly) the present. An artwork may be a dance with conventional understandings of time; a material layering of cultural, familial and personal histories or a proposal for altered futures. Such proposals hope for a slower future, one built on closer attention, rest and repair. Some works are made to last, while others never achieve a stable form, offering flux or decay as part of their content. To imbue, to embed, to remember the present – artists as sentinels of sensorial experience.
Atelier Art Gallery, 1301 N 31st St Suite 2, Philadelphia, PA 19121
Opening Reception: Friday, May 12, 5-8p.m.
On View: April 29 - May 21, Saturdays and Sundays, 12 - 4p.m.

(L-R): Soso Capaldi, Emily Friesen, Bethany Riley. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Emily Friesen. Wave Pattern (2021) Vintage pieced fabric prints, natural dyed cotton, pencil, thread. 3.5’ x 5.5’ Photo credit: Neighboring States.

(L-R): Soso Capaldi, Benjamin Fedosky, Emily Friesen. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Benjamin Fedosky. echo my voice (back to me) (2022) Soda fired stoneware, fabricated metal pedestal. 73” x 13” x 8” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

(L-R): Philip Crawford, Keith Micheal Murphy. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Keith Micheal Murphy. My Mother’s Wedding Dress (2022) Plique-a-jor copper brooch and lace from my mother’s wedding dress. 6” x 6” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Philip Andrew Crawford. Revelation on the Efficiency of the Animal Forms (2022) Lithograph on Hahnemuhle. 12.5” x 15.5”, framed. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Chad Xuyuan Hu. Garden of Illusion (2021) Digital drawing, risograph printing. 13.5” x 13.5” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Rita Scheer. like an exhalation (2022) Acrylic on canvas, mdo, yarn. 1.5’ x 2’, approximately. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

(L-R): Madeleine Fratarcangelo, Jason McDonald, Jordan Hill. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Madeleine Fratarcangelo. Notations (2021-23) Sketchbook paper, pencil, ink. 8” x 36” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Jordan Hill. Calcified Crayon (2022) Polyurethane foam, cement, plastic loom tubing, decals from Crayola® Giant Crayon Tube. 28” x 6” x 6” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Jason McDonald. Blue Medusa (in Reticello) (2023) Blown and sculpted glass, fligree. 6” x 6” x 22” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Sofia Macht; Madeleine Fratarcangelo. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Sofia Macht. clown, small explosion! (2022) Oil paint on chiffon with DVD. 26” x 12” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

(L-R): Zoraye Cyrus, Christen Baker, Olivia Fredricks, Kedrick McKenzie. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

(L-R): Brynn Hurlstone, Paolo Mentasti, Miriam Angeles Arrey. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Miriam Angeles Arrey. sucking-stones (2023) Dye on canvas. 5’ x 9’ Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Paolo Mentasti. Fossilized pussy willow in full bud plucked at Swan Island, Maine on Jan 31, 1906 (2023) Borosilicate, porcelain, pitch, wood, fabric, steel, ceramics. 21” x 60” x 40” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

(L-R): Sasha Budayv; Halo Lahnert; Kedrick McKenzie; Miriam Angeles Arrey; Brynn Hurlstone; Soso Capaldi. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Sasha Budayv. Untitled (2021-23) Mixed media on paper mounted on cardboard. Dimensions variable. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

(L-R): Soso Capaldi; Bethany Riley. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Bethany Riley. I Can’t Keep Anticipating the end (2023) Inkjet prints on torn calendar pages 20” x 18.5” each. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Soso Capladi. Coloring Book Walls (2022-23) Acrylic paint, butcher paper, graphite. 11’ x 2.6’ each. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

(L-R): Sean Starowitz; Elicia Epstein. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Sean Starowitz. No One Can Embargo the Sun (2022) Plasma TV, digital video, various found and sourced footage. Dimensions variable, 48” x 10.5” x 30”. 18 minutes. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Jiseon Min. The Opposite of Melancholy is Courage (2023) Charcoal on linen. 70” x 36” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Ally Kotarsky. To wring out an unrelenting tide (2023) Monotype, intaglio, monoprint, steel rod, metal grommets, wood, animation. Print 13.5” x 11”, shelf 24” x 14.75” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Elicia Epstein. Zero clock (2023) Wood, tea box, acrylic paint, plexiglass, LED. 5” x 7.5” x 5” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

(L-R): Ally Kotarsky; Zoraye Cyrus; Christen Baker; Olivia Fredricks; Kedrick McKenzie; Halo Lahnert. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Zoraye Cyrus. Convergence (3) (2023) Charcoal, graphite, pastels, acrylic. 6.2’ x 4.5’ Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Christen Baker. SMS Message: Almost There (Keys to a Void that is Difficult to Find) (2022) Pate de Verre, Laser etched float glass, carabiners, binder rings, acrylic, vinyl. 40” x 20” x 4” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Kedrick McKenzie. Portable Frontier (2023) Gelatin, spray paint, shopping basket, vinyl tiles. 24” x 24” x 13” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Olivia Fredricks. Good Morning (2023) Risograph 31.5” x 20” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Halo Lahnert. Lazarus is Dead 1948 (2023) Lost - a Coin, a Sheep, a Boy 1945 (2023) Some Things That Cannot Be Borrowed 1952 (2023) Sure Footing 1944 (2023) How Old Are You? 1932 (2023) Papier maché, duralar, colored pencil, grommets, finster nails. Dimensions Variable Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Brynn Hurlstone. Why I/You (2023) Printed silk, rust, cotton rag and water soluble papers, silk suture. Dimensions variable; books 5.5” x 7.5”, silk prints 17” x 22” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

(L-R): Ethan Storms; Amira Pualwan. Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Amira Pualwan. Cave Canem Canicula (2023) Screenprinted ceramics slip transfer on bisqued tile. 44” x 44” Photo credit: Neighboring States.

Ethan Storms. U.S. Flag Code § 8(d) (2022) Printed shirt, metal pole, pine log. 78” x 16” x 42” Photo credit: Neighboring States.