
Gloribel Delgado Esquilín 

2022 CE, Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico 


N7433.4.E78 N83 2022 artists book 


Nudos is a textile artist book by Puerto Rico-based artist and writer Gloribel Delgado Esquilín. It chronicles the artist’s process of healing from sexual trauma. The pages of Nudos resemble arpilleras, quilted illustrations historically used to document the lives of Latin American women. Arpilleras were popularized in Chile, where women used them to resist and denounce the Pinochet dictatorship (1973—1990 CE). Through the varying colors and textures of found fabric, Esquilín both connects this book to the historical struggles of Latin American women, and provides a multi-sensory experience that invites readers to join her on her journey to re-inhabit her body. 


MeiLi Carling